Sunday, September 30, 2007

one more time....

"If I have to watch a rerun of The Today Show one more time, I will stab you."

Bruce, Melissa, KappaSig, Marathons and more

Do you think it means something when you have no problem waking up at 7am to mentally prepare yourself to watch Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band perform live on The Today Show, but struggle when you have to get up for a class at 1:35pm? Hansen repeatedly tells me that there is something wrong with me. And not Chris Hansen from To Catch A Predator, my roommate. I don't think there is anything wrong necessarily, I just have a completely natural, healthy obsession with a 58 year old man from Jersey. And in the effort of full disclosure I also have this strange fascination with a 46 year old lesbian. The roommates asked who had DVR'd Regis and Kelly and I had to admit it was me, because ME had performed. What? They just speak to me okay!

In non music news, Kappa Sigma just wrapped up another strong rush week. It's weird to think that this was my last Fall rush as an undergraduate, weird and yet somehow liberating. Last night Kappa Sigma sponsored our 5th Annual Comedy Night with Colin Quinn and Stephen Lynch, who both had me laughing my ass off. Check them out if you haven't seen them.

I applied to run the Marathon for the Children's Hospital and will know the end of this week if I get a number. Been running pretty consistently, but this week got me a little messed up because of rush and some projects I had going on. Back on track tomorrow.

Start working at CPK again sometime this week. Free food is always good, and a paycheck again.

I guess I don't really have more right now, but I'm going to try and update more this week than I have been.

Thanks for the music.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'm Back in Boston

Well its September 11th and I'm back in Boston and senior year is well underway. This morning I finally completed my schedule for the semester. Shouldn't be too challenging, and hopefully I will be able to bring my GPA back up to where it belongs after the semester in Sydney.

It's great to be back in Boston. I jumped right back into campus life, teaching a leadership class and already travelling for Kappa Sigma. This past weekend we went up to Burlington, VT to install the guys of Alpha Lambda. It all brought back memories of my own pledging and initiation. Getting geared up for rush and am currently working on planning a charity fundraiser for sometime in March so keep an eye out for that.

I'm in the works for getting a radio show for the semester. It's always something I wanted to do for a while, but I never really had the time. Not that I really have a whole lot of extra time, but I'm pumped to put a show together.

Right now I'm at work jamming to the new Kanye album which Becca bought this AM. So far so good just got to Stronger. I want to check out 50's album too maybe tonight after I get home.

How about those VMA's? They were a little disjointed for my liking, personal I would prefer full length performances. What was up with Adam Levine performing with the house band and not the boys of the band? Wake Up Call is killing it right now and someone else said it and I must agree, "I don't really get the video, but its HOT."

I'm just going to avoid the whole Britney fiasco, because she's been shit on enough over the whole thing. The POP bubble has been burst. Take your money and run.

If you are at Northeastern stop by the Kappa Sigma table across from the food court and support fallen heroes. $2 gets you a wristband. Good Cause, Good People.


9/11/01 Always Remember. Never Forget.