Participants - Daily Pledge - Pledge Total:
Shawn Wolfgang - $1 - $8
Steven Adams - $1 - $7
Sponsor - Participant - Daily Match - Match Total
Wolfgang - Steven Adams - $1 - $7
Rebecca - Shawn - $1 - $8
Chris Adams - Steven - $1 - $7
Mom Wolfgang - Shawn - $.25 - $2.00
LaToya Moore - Shawn - $1 - $8
Brooke - Shawn - $1 - $8
Jul - Steven - $1 - $7
Deanie - Shawn - $1 - $8
Grandma Wolfgang - Shawn - $1 - $8
Theresa Shear - Shawn - $1 - $8
According the GBFB, "Every $15 donation will help us provide a family with a 12-14 pound turkey this holiday."
If you would rather make a one time donation in lieu of creating a pledge or sponsoring a participant you are more than welcome to:
Martin Hough - $15
Jessie Goldbas - $50
Grand Total: $151 (Updated 11/8 1:08PM)
# of Turkeys: 10
Steven fell off the wagon for a day to interview for coops but is back with us.