So here we are at our best (or worst you decide). The month went by really quickly and while I'm looking forward to a cleaner face tonight, I've kind of grown to enjoy my beard. Saturday night however I had to provide 4 forms of ID to prove that I was 21. Apparently I just don't look like my 16 year old license picture anymore. Anyway, the final numbers are in and we raised just over $400 for the Greater Boston Food Bank. On behalf of the Food Bank, Steven, and myself, THANK YOU for your generosity.
If you haven't donated or if you haven't made your payment to me yet, you can mail it to me or make it directly to the Greater Boston Food Bank online. Let me know either way so the money is accounted for.
It's December first and its time to start fresh again. Cleaned my room and downloaded some new tunes. The sun is shiny after a really crazy, rainy day yesterday. Working for the majority of the day then off to the gym for the first time in probably a month.
Home was a much needed escape from Boston. It had been way too long (3 months) since the last time I was home and sometimes its nice to just be with family, even if it means sleeping on a couch or two.
"I'm in a New York state of mind"